Release What is Out of Alignment to Become the Next Version of You

When you make a commitment to step into the next level of your personal development, the things that don’t align with the new version of you will come up.  It can be incredibly stressful and discouraging.  But it doesn’t mean that you won’t get to live your dream, that you’re making a mistake or that you just have bad luck. It’s a necessary step in becoming that future version of you. To get from where you are now to where you want to be, you will need to work through those difficult situations and resolve them. No one is going to wave a magic wand and change things for you. You must be willing to look at what you might be avoiding, where you’re keeping yourself small, where you’re not speaking up or setting boundaries. It’s so much easier to listen to that little voice in our heads whispering that it’s not our fault, that it’s unfair and we shouldn’t have to deal with this.

This has been coming up for me a lot in the past couple of months. Over the past two years, I’ve been working on some big projects: a book about decluttering as a vehicle for personal development, sound healing recordings, creating online courses. I know these projects will have a big impact once they’re out in the world. I have a vision of being a best-selling author and a public speaker, reaching thousands of people. This new version of me is confident, professional, and articulate.

I made a commitment towards my vision by hiring a business/life coach. Her name is Jayme Rose Gray and she’s fabulous! She’s totally at home with energy work and personal development as well as all the practical details involved in business and marketing. Since I started working with her, I’ve released a lot of fear about being more in the public eye, revamped my social media to be professional and created presentations for new online classes.

At the same time, I have been “gifted” with several situations that showed me what wasn’t in alignment with the new version of me. I’ve had issues with incorrect tax advice from my accountant, a hairdresser coloring my hair red when I asked for ash blond, and poor communication from my neighbor about how we share yard maintenance.  In each of these situations, I needed to communicate clearly, but kindly where things went awry and what each of us needed to do to rectify the situation.

I realized that I have a fear of making other people upset. It feels very uncomfortable for me to say that there’s a problem and that something needs to change. I still feel this fear even when I’m sure the other person won’t react negatively. I’ve also had to practice calming my nervous system when I know the other person is immature and won’t handle it well. Did I mention this is not fun? I have been taking the time to consider how to thoughtfully communicate about the problem and what I would like to have done to resolve it. Even if the other person is agitated or reactive, I have been able to respond calmly to resolve the situation. I’ve been looking at my past to find where my discomfort is coming from so I’m no longer filtering present interactions through the lens of the past. Every time I do this, I feel a bit more confident. I know that one day, I will BE that new version of myself. When these kinds of situations come up, I will feel confident that everything will be easily resolved. And they won’t be coming up so often because I no longer need to learn those lessons.

If you’re working towards a new stage of personal development, be prepared to work on where you are not yet in alignment with that version of you. As you do, your life will get easier and one day you’ll have become the person you envisioned.